Case status: Open
Case date: Mar 23, 2019
Location: Mechanicsville, VA
Identity: Public
Site classification: Residence/Business
Report #790 – Initial Post by Brad Bradley
CPRI was given permission to collect data at the [REDACTED] location (two buildings) on 3/23/19.
Address: [REDACTED]. Mechanicsville, Virginia
HQ was located in an enclosed EZ-Up between the two buildings on the site. Environmental data was collected only in the rancher on the property. Audio and video were collected in both the rancher and the cabin buildings. Exact equipment locations are located on the equipment log in the primary data repository.
Report #791 – Personal Report by Brad Bradley
While touring the Cabin on the property during equipment setup, I kept hearing movement sounds coming from the second floor. We did find several mice in the building, but these sounds were too loud for those.
While performing an excursion into the rancher on the property with Kenny Newsome and Mike Magner, we ventured into the basement where most reports of activity come from. While sitting in chairs in the basement, Mike and I said we heard someone sit down next to Kenny while he was sitting. Kenny then said he was having a hard time breathing. Mike suggested he move one seat over, he did and his issues ceased. I then went over to sit in the chair he had just vacated and didn’t feel anything, though I asked whatever was sitting next to me to hold my hand. There was then the sound of clothing swishing behind my head. Kenny looked at me and then I realized something was messing with the hood of my jacket. After I got up, Mike went and sat in the same seat and said it felt like something was just touching his neck.
During a later excursion with Mike Magner and Steve Dills, we all kept seeing pin points of light throughout the basement.
Report #792 – Personal Report by Keith Southall
Day of Week / Date: Saturday / 23 March 2019
Time In: 15:00
Time Out: 00:00
Weather: Clear sky no cover / light to moderate winds
The team assembled in front of the log cabin (LC) while awaiting building access, around 15:30 we began set up of the command post (CP). With access to the buildings finally available internal survey was begun with fair warning being given that there is the possibility of demonic influence at this location I opted not to enter either building the team continued to run the monitoring equipment to the two buildings with the CP in the yard between them. Exterior photos were taken to document same of both structures.
The Structure(s):
Structure No. 1 (rancher) is a relatively small home consisting of a living area, kitchen, three (3) bedrooms, one bath and a full basement. The dwelling was built as a family home most likely in the late 1950’s to the mid 1960’s. The structure has not functioned as a dwelling for many years and has been used as office or retail space. This structure has a known homicide during its term as a dwelling.
Structure No. 2 (log cabin) this building was constructed as a contractors model and has never been occupied as a dwelling, the structure features a living room, kitchen, one bath, one bedroom and a lofted area. This structure was most likely build in the 1980’s and is showing its age rather badly the exterior log work is buckling and in dyer need of repair. This structure has served as a model home and office space.
The Property:
The location of this property is on the original battlefield of the American Civil War battle of [REDACTED] the site of the original church (present during the battle) is within sight of this property, although part of the battlefield most would agree from battlefield accounts this area was rather rear action and amounted to being a staging area for troops entering into or retiring from combat the old church location is said to have been used as a headquarters and field hospital. This battle was mostly conducted in the area to the rear and west of the property in question no doubt the property saw action to some degree as the battle was part of a larger scale action at [REDACTED]. The property sets along side route [REDACTED] which since its construction in the early 1700’s has been a major carrier of traffic, the town / village of Mechanicsville was a focal point of action during the War Between the States and doubtless route [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] saw much use in the transport of troops and materials.
The front of the property faces Rte. [REDACTED] and is cleared of trees and foliage the area directly behind both structures is overgrown within 100′ for both buildings this undergrowth intensifies and becomes a fully grown wood within an additional 200′, this area is said to be a focal point of thrill seekers professing hearing the sounds of battle coming from the wood late at night.
The Neighborhood:
The neighborhood was quite with the notation of a child / youth screaming in the early part of the investigation. There are no close neighbors to the sides or behind these structures, and the front is facing Rte. [REDACTED] with moderate early evening traffic which dwindled to extremely light traffic by midnight. The area across Rte. [REDACTED] is open farm land with commercial neighbors across Rte. [REDACTED] to the west of the property, it is worth note that these commercial properties kept no night hours but did have security lighting on their exterior which could be seen in our video monitoring of the LC
Also worth mention that there exist [REDACTED] within 1,000′ feet of the structures [REDACTED] set to the northwest of the properties and doubtless have [REDACTED] attached.
The Street:
The street Rte. [REDACTED], [REDACTED] carries an Average Annual Daily Traffic volume of [REDACTED] vehicles for the location of the investigation situated between [REDACTED] Roads as of 2016.
Route presents as a moderate volume of traffic [REDACTED] roadway with slight rolling topography, asphalt paved marked roadway yielding a consistent volume of traffic which varied duration of the investigation. Vehicles were noted in passing due to the distance form the road to the structures, noise level was high from this factor.
Headlights and tail lights of moving traffic can be seen in the video monitoring of the LC.
Notes on Proceedings:
This is the teams first investigation of these properties both of which are being touted as being haunted and are being used as a business for paranormal investigation tours. Due to the possible demonic influence I refrained from active investigation in the buildings out of respect for my wife’s wishes, however I did man the CP monitoring the live feed cameras and audio. The investigation team was joined by another organization team and the structures were visited several times during the eight (8) hour investigation period. Due to prior commitments the next day I left the investigation area at close of monitoring at midnight 3/23/2019.
Thoughts on the Investigation:
I being in the CP had an unobstructed view of the proceedings of the investigations and the vacant structures I have heard and documented many noises during the monitoring period, I have heard the first hand accounts of activities involving the effects encountered by the team of unseen origin. I believe that if the team has the opportunity to investigate this property again the chance should be taken to do so as there appears to be some unexplained activity in the rancher.
Being a doubtful investigator the activities within the rancher are at this point unexplainable, they do not appear to be demonic more so playful at this point, should there be another opportunity to investigate I would like to be on the team. I think in an effort to eliminate outside influence in the basement we should use plywood to block outside lighting from playing in with the lighting anomaly witnessed there. Perhaps we can place the CP in the back yard of structure No. 1 and possibly block out some of the traffic noise from Rte. [REDACTED]. We should also investigate the wood as for the possibility of the sounds reported there in.
Report #793 – Datalogger Analysis by Brad Bradley
Dataloggers to collect environmental data (temp., BP, humidity, visible and UV light, vibration, magnetic field and ionizing radiation) showed no anomalies per say. We’re still missing the data from the 4 HT dataloggers. However, there is a consistent 30cpm average radiation in the basement. Site contact was alerted that there may be Radon in the basement and to limit exposure. Also, humidity in the kitchen showed a very unstable curve, with many spikes and dips. We’re awaiting data from 4 HT dataloggers to compare with the humidity readings in the kitchen.
Update on PASCO data. Humidity readings mimic what was detected in the sensor block in the kitchen referenced above. It was located in the basement.
Report #794 – Audio Analysis by Brad Bradley
Rancher Basement DR05
DR0000_0101 (start 7:50pm, end 10:06pm)
9:45 (7:59pm) – wet splat
14:02 (8:04pm) – low voice
15:52 (8:05pm) – thump and voice
1:21:39 (9:11pm) – chair squeak, detected by team.
1:33:42 (9:23pm) – voice just before Brad’s hood was touched.
1:33:46 (9:23pm) – sound of vinyl hood being manipulated
1:33:59 (9:24pm) – whistle just after hood was touched.
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** CPRI team members at HQ were picked up by every microphone and recorder used during the project.
Report #795 – Personal Report by Allen Slonaker
Slonaker – Personal Report
Arrived on location – Approx. 1615
Toured the ranch and adjoining cabin almost immediately. The property manager, [REDACTED] lead the tour and provided background on the known history of the property and alleged paranormal activity. The majority of the tour was spent in the ranch as [REDACTED] believed the activity there was both pronounced and sinister in nature.
Noteworthy: The Geiger counter in the so-called “Murder Room” was spiking in excess of thirty counts per minute and holding for what appeared to be a minute or two at a time. This was later noticed at various times during the project.
No experiences, sensations or impressions during that time.
Equipment Set-Up – Approx. 1630-1830
No experiences, sensations or impressions during that time.
Dinner – Approx. 1845-1930
Excursion into the Ranch – Approx. 2025-2058
Team w/ Brad (initially but returned shortly), Richard, Steve and Vicki
No observed or detected activity. No experiences, sensations or impressions.
Excursion into the Ranch – Approx. 2150-2215
Team w/ Steve
During excursion we entered the so called “Murder Room”.
Twice got a tingly sensation. Once in that room and once in the living room and once in the “Murder Room”.
While in the “Murder Room” I felt a small plastic bottle located in the front right pocket of my zip-up hooded sweatshirt get tapped as if something had hit it from below while it was in my pocket. After thinking about it further it is possible that was caused by a tug. Regardless that experience was unexpected and immediately noticeable when it occurred.
Upon leaving that room and entering the living room the temperature felt noticeably colder.
Excursion – Approx. 2225-2355
Team w/ Richard
Heavy feeling in chest while sitting in the basement.
Richard reported being touched in the “Murder Room”.