Case status: Open
Case date: September 10, 2017
Location: Richmond, VA
Identity: Public
Site classification: Historic

Report #656 – Initial Post by Brad Bradley

Address: [REDACTED] Richmond, VA 23223


[REDACTED] asked for CPRI to conduct research at [REDACTED] to be featured as part of a TV segment on behalf of the county.  The house had been used as [REDACTED] during the [REDACTED] campaign, an alms house for the poor, a private residence and [REDACTED].  A fallout shelter from the 1960s was dug under the [REDACTED].  We met and agreed.  We arranged for 9/9/17 and made arrangements for a videographer to follow us around during the project.

Activity report:  voices and knocking in the library, dream of [REDACTED] lying in state in the basement after death in 1862.

HQ was placed outside in the gazebo behind the house.

DVR cameras were placed in the 1820s section basement, the stairwell of the 1820s section, both rooms of the 1820s section, two rooms of the alms house section, the hallway of the alms house section, the library and the main hallway of the [REDACTED].

Audio:  Live monitor DR05 was placed in the first floor doorway between the alms house section and the 1820s section.  Recorders were placed in the 2nd floor of the 1820s section, basement of the 1820s section, library, main hallway and dormitory of the [REDACTED].

Dataloggers:  PASCO, Geiger counter and phone datalogger were placed in the 1820s basement.  Sensor block, Geiger counter and tablet datalogger were placed in the library.  ***NOTE – phone datalogger failed.***

Report #657 – Audio Analysis by Brad Bradley

DR05 Live Monitor – First floor door frame between 1820s and alms house sections.
170909_0194.wav (start 5:38:00pm, end 9:00:48pm)
1:37:06 (7:15pm) – bang
2:28:22 (8:06pm) – footstep
2:29:36 (8:07pm) – footstep
2:53:54 (8:31pm) – clanks, movement

170909_0194.wav (start 9:00:48pm, end 12:23:36am)
45:25 (9:46pm) – movement   
46:52 (9:47pm) – humming
56:44 (9:57pm) – boom (door?)

Report #658 – Datalogger Analysis by Brad Bradley

Sensor Block (temp, hum, BP, UV, light) in Library (start 6:19:00pm) 
9:14pm – anomalous light spike

Tablet (light, vibration, mag field) in Library (start 6:15:00pm)
9:14pm – duplicate of anomalous light spike.
Periodic shifts in mag field whenever HVAC kicks on and causes dip in humidity.

All other anomalies can be explained.​

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