Case status: Open
Case date: June 17, 2017
Location: King George, VA
Identity: Public
Site classification: Historic

Report #614 – Initial Post by Brad Bradley

[REDACTED], King George, VA 22485

***Please note that there were multiple personal experiences in the basement near HQ, though there were no audio or video recorders there due to the nature of the live streaming event.  These were sounds of furniture moving and voices.  My name was also called twice during tear down of HQ witnessed by Tommy.***

This 2 day event was a live streaming event to benefit the site. 
Some team members slept onsite on 6/17/17.  

Our HQ was in the far northern portion of the basement in the main house to mitigate contamination issues.  We hit both the main house and the old caretaker’s house due to the large amount of audible activity detected there last time. We left the house for excursions through an access door leading from the basement.  We also made excursions occasionally into the caretaker house which has no heat and only electricity on the ground floor.

DVR Setup:  Kenny’s 13 DVR cameras covered the inside of the main house (only one on the chess set this time) with 1 outside for security.  Brad’s 7 DVR cameras in and outside the caretaker house.

Audio recorders:  One live monitor DR05 on the first floor foyer of the main house and another one on the 2nd floor  of the caretaker house.  Each was monitored at HQ via a set of computer speakers.  One set of speakers had a lighted display that activated when sound occurred.  That allowed for us to distinguish between live monitor locations.  An Olympus recorder was placed on the first floor of the caretaker house and another Olympus recorder was placed in the [REDACTED] attic.  A phone recorder was placed on the 2nd floor landing next to the dataloggers there.

Dataloggers:  The PASCO was placed on the second floor landing of the main house.  The sensor block was placed on the second floor of the caretaker house at the top of the stairs. A tablet datalogger was placed on the second floor landing of the caretaker house.  A cell phone datalogger (magnetic field and accelerometer) was placed on the second floor landing near the PASCO.  A geiger counter datalogger was placed on the second floor of the caretaker house near the sensor block and tablet.  Another one was placed on the second floor landing near the PASCO.

Report #617 – Audio Analysis by Brad Bradley

Phone Recorder, 2nd Floor Landing, [REDACTED]
Record_0002.wav (Start 6:01:00pm 061717, End 12:39:28pm 061817)
3:17:42 (9:18pm) – Music in background.  Abby, Jenny, Brad, Jack and Audrie present, but did not hear in real time. 
3:40:13 (9:41pm) – two shouts audible to team.  Child’s voice?

DR05 Live monitor, 2nd floor Caretaker House – 6/17/17
170617_0172.wav (start 3:05:10pm, end 6:27:58pm)
3:21:36 (6:26pm) – loud bang.  Heard periodically all night.

170617_0173.wav (start 6:27:58pm, end 9:50:46pm)
2:00:08 (8:28pm) – bang coinciding with flash on video camera 4 from living room on first floor. 

170617_0174.wav (start 9:50:46pm, end 12:14:31am)
1:39:36 (11:29pm) – loud boom like door shutting.

Olympus – 1st floor Caretaker House Living Room
WS710186.MP3 (Start 3:09:10pm 6/17/17, End  3:57:37am 6/18/17)          
3:16:51 (6:26pm) – bang followed by door opening squeak

Olympus – [REDACTED] Attic
VN620101.wma (start 6:02pm 6/17/17, end 8:42pm 6/18/17)
10:29:10 (4:31am 6/18/17) – movement, footsteps (very low pitched and need speakers or headphones with that frequency range), bangs.  ***Determined to be team member through video and other audio.***

DR05 – [REDACTED] Live Monitor – 1st floor foyer
DR0000_0041.wav (start 4:56:30pm 6/17/17, end 8:19:18pm 6/17/17)        

DR0000_0042.wav (start 8:19:18pm 6/17/17, end 11:14:25pm 6/17/17)

Report #618 – General Observations by Helene Hannan

I arrived at about 3pm June 17 to set up.  I watched the Caretaker’s House on video and audio from 9pm-midnight; I heard many unexplained bangs (but it was windy) and twice there was a bang together with a camera light.  In HQ, we did not hear voices or steps when Brad and Rhonda experienced them in the [REDACTED], except I heard one or two syllables.  At about midnight, I went with Brad to check equipment in the caretaker’s house; the EMF readings seemed high.  I bathed and slept in the blue downstairs bedroom and then woke up at 6:30am, made breakfast in the kitchen, had breakfast on the upstairs balcony, and read in the library.  I did not experience anything unusual but when Mrs. Trammel woke up, she said she had heard ladies talking in the early morning.  I was the only person up and may have muttered something once but Mrs. Trammel said that did not seem like what she heard.  The Bowens were quiet and stayed in their room early in the morning.  I seemed particularly forgetful on trip.

Report #619 – Initial Post by Mike Magner

I arrived at [REDACTED] on the second day (Jun 18) around 2pm.  All equipment was pretty much set up.  I downloaded the audio from the DRO5 on the 1st floor in the main hallway and set it up to record again for another 5.5 hours.  Everything in the house seemed quiet.  Brad showed up a little later.  We had a brief power outage around 2:30 which flicked off and then back on.  

We went out to the Care Taker’s house to check out the equipment.  Nothing unusual was noted there.  When we came out of the house we noticed the fire on the other side of [REDACTED].  That kept our attention for about 30 minutes. 

Throughout the evening we noted a lot of bangs and noises, mostly from the Care Taker’s house but also from the [REDACTED].  Brad figured out that many of the bangs in the bed and breakfast were from the outer door on the second floor balcony opening and shutting with the wind.  However, we were not able to identify the source of the noises in the Care Taker’s house despite a lot of effort that was spent on that.  We had teams sitting inside and outside the house and also at base.  Noises that came over the audio could not be heard by people in the house in many instances.  And even when they could hear them, they were unable to pinpoint them.

Report #620 – Post Investigation Report by Helene Hannan

On Wednesday morning, Mike noticed three parallel red scratches on my back side (heart side).  The longest is three inches long and they are one inch apart. There is a picture at – they are still visible but otherwise.  I have no idea where these came from.  [REDACTED].

Also I came home with a pepper shaker.  I cooked breakfast in the kitchen but did not use salt or pepper. It is a lot like my shaker and I must have picked it up with my stuff but don’t remember getting it.

Now I am wondering why I locked a door on my way out.  I don’t usually do that.

I had slept alone in the first floor blue room – out of view of the camera.

Report #621 – Datalogger Analysis by Brad Bradley

Phone datalogger, 2nd floor landing near PASCO (Acq Time: 06/17/2017 17:59:03 – 06/19/2017 24:22:28)
10:55am 6/18 – Magnetic field sensors on all axes detected disturbance beginning and ending with a spike.  The disturbance lasted for 9.5 hours.

Report #622 – Initial Report by John Trammell

This case had a number of things occur which were of note.  One of the first was that my fully charged Mini DV zeroed out on the first floor stairs; later on second floor came back on with 2/3 power.  On a subsequent trip at 2/3 power, it zeroed out at the foot of the stairs.  Back at HQ, it turned back on with 2/3 power.  The device to my knowledge has never acted that way.  When the power zeros out it is done.

I am analyzing audio with lots of possible anomalies.

Report #623 – Audio Data Analysis by Mike Magner

Lots of clips to analyze!  
All analysis is being added to the following file: “Audio Analysis.xlsx” which can be found here: [REDACTED]

The first clip (DR000_043.wav) begins at 11:42 the first night and ends at 3:05 am.  Of note, this audio was recorded while several group members were in their bedrooms for the night.  Lots of AC noises were recorded, which included taps, bangs, knocks and clicks.  Some knocks and bangs are also likely attributed to the upstairs porch door which was found to bang when it was windy out.  There were some interesting moans and other noises that were different.  They are highlighted in bold in the analysis.

***UPDATE***Sound clips for the events that were highlighted in the analysis are now included in a subfolder at the dropbox link above***

The file, “Audio Analysis.xlsx”, will be updated as additional clips are analyzed, with a separate sheet for each clip.                         

****UPDATE 2**********
Clip (DR000_044.wav) begins at 3:05:25 am and ends at 6:00:32 on the first night.  Several team members are sleeping.  There are several interesting audio events captured during these 3 hrs.:  One definite human-sounding grunt, footsteps, doors opening and closing, knocks and bangs, and the sound of someone jostling a closed door.  It is possible the source of some sounds were our team members in the house but they all reported sleeping soundly during this time.  Towards the end of the clip the sun starts to rise and birds come out to sing very loudly.  Use the same link as above to find the audio analysis and sound clips in my dropbox folder.

Report #624 – Video Analysis by Brad Bradley

Caretaker House DVR 6/17/17
20:28:05 – Camera 4 – Living Room – light flash at same time as loud bang on DR05 audio.

Report #625 – More Scratches Found on 3 July 2017 by Helene Hannan

I noticed three more parallel scratches on the morning of July 3, 2017.  They are smaller than the initial three and near my left elbow.  The longest new scratch is 3/4 inches.  It is 1 1/2 inches away from the middle scratch  The third is closer and only 1/4 inch long (a bit hard to find).  I do not know how I got these. A picture is at [REDACTED]

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