Case status: Open
Case date: Sep 23 2018
Location: Charlottsville, VA
Identity: Public
Site classification: Historic

Report #735 – Initial Post by Brad Bradley

Charlottesville, VA 22903


CPRI was given permission to collect data in the old farmhouse, circa 1870. HQ was setup in the [REDACTED] on site, [REDACTED]. All monitoring was performed via ethernet. A former resident came to the site and provided background on perceived activity over the years. This was mostly audible activity (footsteps, running, movement, etc.) However, there were reports of growling at the top of the north stairs, followed by the sound of someone falling down the stairs. The former resident’s brother also was pulled out of his bed by his feet. The former resident’s father would see shadows moving back and forth on the front porch. It was further determined that, when a city employee lived on site, he only stayed a few months because of activity. Upon initial tour, we found pieces of soapstone and quartz placed in front of each window. The house is currently abandoned and [REDACTED] is planning a [REDACTED].

12 DVR cameras were setup throughout the house and on the front porch.

A Behringer digital mixer and usb interface was used with 6 microphones, 3 downstairs and 3 upstairs. A DR05 recorder was placed in the center of the building, on the first floor.

Sensor block (temp, Hum, BP, UV, light), geiger counter and tablet (mag field, vibration, light) was placed at the foot of the south stairs. PASCO (temp, hum, bp, light) was placed on the 2nd floor landing of the south stairs. A geiger counter was placed in each of the second floor rooms on the south end of the house.

Report #737 – Initial Review by John Trammell

There were concerns about this house due to the nature of some of the stories–could this be more than residual activity? This house is also significant because we are the first to investigate it. By and large the night could be characterized by several trends we have seen before: noisy when we are in HQ, but quiet when people in the house; lots of subtle sounds that could be music, speech, or house noise; lots of environmental interference ranging from rain to police; etc. Personal experiences were very limited.

Interesting data is already showing up in analysis.

Report #738 – Audio Analysis – Static DR05 by Brad Bradley

DR05 at foot of north stairs

180922_0227.wav (start 5:56:00pm, end 9:18:48pm)

1:57:48 (7:53pm) – thumps, bangs, footsteps

180922_0228.wav (start 9:18:48pm, end )

7:08 (9:25pm) – footsteps, deliberate and quick’)

Report #746 – Datalogger Analysis by Brad Bradley

No anomalies were detected by sensor dataloggers.

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